101 in 1001

101 in 1001

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our little addition to the family!

Maternity pictures that my cousin Melissa took! Thank you Melissa!

Justin and I found out that I was pregnant in May of 2010. We were really excited! We found out that we were having a little boy and he was going to be due in November! It was perfect! This would be the first grandson for both of my parents and the first great-grandson for my dad's parents! He also was going to be born in November, which would make him the first November birthday on my mom's side of the family!

Later in my pregnancy I was diagnosed with preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure. Near the end of the pregnancy I was put on half-days of bed rest and then ,a few days before he was born, I was put on full bed rest. I went into my doctor's office for a non-stress test that my doctor had started me on and the baby barely passed, then I went over to see my doctor for my regular check up and my blood pressure wouldn't go down. My doctor came in and told me that she was just happy that I made it to almost 38 weeks and that she wanted to induce me. I called all of my family and they started me on pitocin. During labor my blood pressures were everywhere so they had to start me on a medication called Magnesium, which prevents seizures from the high blood pressure. I had originally planned on doing the birth naturally, but not long into it I was begging for the epidural. They had to take out my first one and put in a new one though because it wasn't working. 12 hour labor and about half an hour of pushing and our beautiful baby boy was here!
Liam J Berkenpas, Born November 2, 2010 at 11:33 pm, 7 lbs 3 oz, 19 inches long

Justin and Liam, my two handsome boys :)
Mommy and Liam 

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